The End Of The U S Dollar and Devaluation Of Chinese Currency
It goes on to say, it sends the signal that China wishes to enter the U.S. financial market with the renminbi business to challenge the U.S. dollar on its home turf. There is more than a sense of bravado behind this decision. This is a crucial time for the renminbi which is struggling to stay on course while preparing to enter the coveted currency basket of international monetary funds special drawing rights on October 1.
Eerily absent from mainstream media, everyone is focused on Trump and Clinton and the events in Charlotte and Tulsa, Oklahoma is the inclusion of the yuan in the basket of reserve currencies on Oct. 1. The Wall Street Journal reported, the end game of this is most likely the continuation of the long term decline and eventual collapse of the U.S. dollar in the way we currently use it and that eventually, you’ll likely trade some of your gold and silver coins for 10 to 100 times the number of dollars than you paid for them. Bloomberg went on to say gold will outlive dollar once the slaughter comes. The world’s monetary system is in the process of melting down we are entering the endgame of the dollar as the dominant reserve currency, but most investors and policy makers are unaware of the implications.
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